The Connecticut Association for Jungian Psychology (CAJP), is a creative learning community centered on the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, which emphasizes the whole person as a path to self-knowledge, creativity and well being. We endeavor to foster the understanding of the archetypal dimension and its impact on daily life. CAJP is dedicated to making the methods and insights of Jung more widely available to individuals and professional groups by offering lectures, workshops and seminars on specific topics within depth psychology.
All program offerings are currently online Zoom events.
Pre-Registration with Payment on website: for all program offerings. We ask that you register at least one week prior to the program presentation date. Upon completed registration, you will receive the Zoom link for the event.
Pricing for Lecture series is $35 per lecture. Pricing for Study Programs (multi day events) are listed on website and in brochure.
Note: Program(s) may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. For news of any last-minute changes, you can refer to our website:
Limited Student scholarships are available for individual lectures. Contact to make a scholarship request. Any request shall be reviewed in committee within 40 days of request. Determination will be communicated to applicant via email within 60 days of request.
The CAJP maintains an email list for program notices and ongoing announcements. If you would like to be added to this list, please send an email to:
We would love hearing from you! CAJP maintains an email list for program notices and ongoing announcements. If you would like to be added to this list, please send an email to:
Visit us at:
· Website:
· Email:
· Phone #: +1.860.431.2029
· Facebook: @ca4jp
· Instagram: @cta4jp
· Twitter: @cta4jp
Please visit the Community page on our website,, to discover more organizations dedicated to the study of Carl Gustav Jung's works and collective archetypes.
CAJP does not discriminate with regard to sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, physical disability or national origin in any aspect of its programs.
CAJP is a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Your tax deductible donations are always appreciated. To learn more about the CAJP visit us at Thank You!
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